Monday, September 21, 2009


When conducting a brand strategy your components must consist of 2 main objectives: differentiation and added value. These statements say alot for your brand and the goal of a brand and its brand equity, meaning the worth of your brand as an entity. Differentiation is the comparison and the distinction between your competitors and other brands. If your brand comes off as the same product or service as another brand it may leave the consumer undecided on choosing your business and they will stay with their current provider. Ultimately your differentiation may be the deciding factor on whether or not your brand is suitable for the consumers wants and needs. Added value is the profit so to speak in money terms that you recieve from distinguishing and building a strong image around your brand. By creating an image or glorified picture inside peoples minds you capture a huge market who are fascinated by what your brand does and the intrinsic reward and lifestyle you recieve from using that particular brand. With these 2 objectives in place when developing a brand strategy you will always recieve recognition for your brand and added equity to it when strategizing with these 2 objectives in mind. Differentiation and added value give the brand more self worth and help create a lifestyle or image for the consumer who decides to forego their current brand and use yours because of its brand value which gains a better realtionship with the consumer. heres a link to a video on brand strategy.