Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Time plus Time, equals Time minus Time"

Time is the showcase of critical function moving in an endless sphere to the outer regions of all the universes combined. The focus on time whether its a capsule waiting to be determined or a bond waiting for its maturity phase, hidden is the underlying meaning of progression and evolution from one time to another time. After written essay's and poems I suggest that time is in fact brought into the world to rotate objects and put into fear that time may end on this planet. Although interpretations exceed natural selection like Charles Darwin, I find the purpose is to acheieve greater growth success by moving life into deeper memories of closure in the end of life. With momentum into further reading, listening, talking or writing, we can obtain our role towards reaching fate on our road to eternal happiness. Time is the owner of the universe where put into balance recieves the ultimate reality of life.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The new Apple iPad was launched last week with a keynote speech from Steve Jobs(see Url at bottom) . Before unleashing the new device, Jobs reviewed the year, with the annoucement of total sales of the iPods, reaching 250 million units sold and a revenue total of nearly $3.5 billion. The new iPad as full internet capablities with e-mail, video and picture storing and viewing. The screen and output is nearly the exact same as on iPod touch with on-board Wi-Fi. After watching the key-note feature, I was split between the iPhone and the e-reader due to the phone capabilities of a smart phone. Although the 9.5 inches by 7.5 inches screen is much better then the iPhone I still prefer the smart phone over the iPad. I have also found upon reading that not many publishers are beginning to switch to the e-reader due to its inexpensive price and low revenue gains. The future of the e-reader is still a toss up but I do believe many businesses and schools will begin to avidly promote the new e-readers available on the market.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I've been doing some thinking and reading some books on dreams and the relationship between the concious and the subconcious and have found many great correlations in the way we percieve the past and the future. For many a dream is nothing but a maze of memories packed into a story, for others dreams are but an idea or an outlook towards the future concious state. I often wonder if I can control my dreams from a concious world by focusing attention on particular things, hoping to repete themselves in the subconcious mind. Lately I've been able to change the endings of my dreams and even wake-up and fall asleep back into particular dreams. Some dreams I find contain subliminal messages and extra-sensory-perception awareness allowing for a spectaclur feeling especially when you relate your dream to a sequence in the following week of conciousness. Remembering your dreams is the greatest part of the overall experience and living them out is the challenge.