Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I've been doing some thinking and reading some books on dreams and the relationship between the concious and the subconcious and have found many great correlations in the way we percieve the past and the future. For many a dream is nothing but a maze of memories packed into a story, for others dreams are but an idea or an outlook towards the future concious state. I often wonder if I can control my dreams from a concious world by focusing attention on particular things, hoping to repete themselves in the subconcious mind. Lately I've been able to change the endings of my dreams and even wake-up and fall asleep back into particular dreams. Some dreams I find contain subliminal messages and extra-sensory-perception awareness allowing for a spectaclur feeling especially when you relate your dream to a sequence in the following week of conciousness. Remembering your dreams is the greatest part of the overall experience and living them out is the challenge.