The new Apple iPad was launched last week with a keynote speech from Steve Jobs(see Url at bottom) . Before unleashing the new device, Jobs reviewed the year, with the annoucement of total sales of the iPods, reaching 250 million units sold and a revenue total of nearly $3.5 billion. The new iPad as full internet capablities with e-mail, video and picture storing and viewing. The screen and output is nearly the exact same as on iPod touch with on-board Wi-Fi. After watching the key-note feature, I was split between the iPhone and the e-reader due to the phone capabilities of a smart phone. Although the 9.5 inches by 7.5 inches screen is much better then the iPhone I still prefer the smart phone over the iPad. I have also found upon reading that not many publishers are beginning to switch to the e-reader due to its inexpensive price and low revenue gains. The future of the e-reader is still a toss up but I do believe many businesses and schools will begin to avidly promote the new e-readers available on the market.