Sunday, December 30, 2012

Free Speech

The rebellion of polymaths is the beginning of many worlds in masterful arrays of hope. In the coming of three holy spirits the philosophers will rise again to fight for free speech and freedom. As the duties between earthly sensations and political dimensions extrapolate methods of generation barriers we will unite the profession of ideology to set us free from ignorance and exploitation. The acquired praise of intelligence has given us the mental power to speak freely on world issues providing developments to a new factor of pushed freedom of speech. The war of political freewill has exerted pressure on the stability of independence and what becomes of the positive exploration and conscious significance. With differences in the world’s free speech we must change our idioms and present independence to the politics of powerful freedom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


With the causes of nature stumbling upon higher notions of biology the physical motions of light are separating common problems on earth. The continuing ways of effect pronounce the clouds make-up to be spectrums of further light causing rotation in oscillating seas. By breaking down the fine instruments of geology we can systemize the foundations of change in all world patterns. As the whole body of the earth destabilizes itself amongst hydrological settings and procedures the changes format evolution. There are many ways to equate these natural patterns through systematic representations of geo/bio/astral units. If the design levels of all together relate in connection it can be made in rock, water, climate, stars and entirety of this world.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Countries Intrinsic Worth

"The worlds separate currency value but personal worth is gained together."
A country is worth more than a revenue wrap it enables a persona and population to exist. Against world living countries intrinsic power is breath, movement, and activity. A country means the presence to live in base freedom and the ability to act willingly. An intrinsic feeling of any country is home base for living, the internal place that brings concession to a purpose in any presentation. With a country all things are possible and personal or individual perceptions need no reasoning. When a country just gives power to be, stay and move alive it is known as freedom to live in an opportunistic world, the power to be free in ourselves and our OWN surroundings.