Friday, May 20, 2011

Excert from one of my short stories.

"The height on the perception,lowered the thoughts of the mind, both intersecting at unknown points of experience." -Dan Zybala

Complacency showed the look on his face, the situation was limitless in disguise. Awaiting an output of release he nudged his friend who stared into the eyes. The action of the author sat back and watched with disgust. This had never happened before as the two pressed up against the wall chattering quickly in a pile of records. As I looked back I realized the moments were stretching thin and soon I'd be silent on the early morning streets. Seeing others helped me feel somewhat hesitant on the way my thoughts were going in a cluttered state of nothingness. Again and again the memories became pointless as I reached for my water. At this point I hadn't said a word for hours, I was slowly losing my mind. At the back of the party I noticed the actions of all beings who at one point noticed me as well. In a flurry of colours, lights,and patterns the ambient atmosphere triggered by extra-sensory perceptions playing games on my central nervous system and its adaptation of mouth to speech existed in a shadow of unattainable rhythms skipping a beat of voice obstruction. Although the night was still young so was teh design of my mental intuitiveness as I stepped across the line on a path of abnormal existence.

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