Sunday, October 30, 2011


" The onlookers save us from the fire, with a waterful body of mind, in the soul between our hearts." - Dan Zybala

The simplicity of life brings forth a world so often forgotten for its natural diversity in the thoughts of poetic dealings. When the times of solitary presence reveal the modern creations of what some call the gift of God, we sit back and ponder our reality in times of contemplation. As connections of human strength prosper through the actions of daily routines, the people request a form of experience often presented with the presence of other living forces. Working with controls of thought, idea, and implementation, the birth of existence finds itselfs on the heavens string theory, like a balancing act on the tight ropes of time, at the end of a defeated path of life. Before the world stops and mesmerizes all of us in unity with the universe, the prayers so often conducted by the women of the chruch, relieve all of us from the difficultuies of our world, overcoming all problems upon us. Over the edge of the ocean is where the waters fall to the next earth below, and this is where we meet the angels who are watching our faithful life from the center of a spring so deep in the gates of crystalline castles proving the truth of Gods eternal reality.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ancient Writings.

"Learnt by the mind, expressed by the soul." - Dan Zybala

Hard at work was often defined as success in the ancient times providing the advancement of evolution amongst the lands of birth. As the philosophers often spent their time studying the various subjects of art and literature the systems of passion voiced the connection of the universe in total unity. The minds of poets perceived to proclaim the vast array of information starting from the creation of time, to the end of time, both relying on precise work to connect life and death. The purposeful thought of writers often reflected the experience of reality in the conscious and sub-conscious even times of unconsciousness. Before the world became a modern field of databases the preliminary work of old historians wrote the life and times of world success revealing the foundations of what the world has become on a grandeour scale. To see the future is to honour the past for what has come, gone and led to us now, reading the answers to solutions found in the ancient times.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Great Wave.

"The waves crashing over, tell the story of a mythological sequence in need of conclusion." - Dan Zybala
Artist; Hokusai.

The imploding cycle of the great wave connects allies to the foundation of biological extremities that cycle in persistent ways. The great wave since the past two decades has been a wide resemblance in the japanese culture that shouts out proclamtion of the weather gods as the japanese refer to it as, "The Anointed Water Plague" Over and over again we see the deadly tsunami's drench the coasts of Japan, and China until the cycle of peaks begin again. In art history the great wave separates the waves from the Gods who insist the natural reaction of the water plague to resurface every 5-10 years. Speaking in tongues proves to resemble the disassociated political ideals that loom around the Pacific, giving an indentity crisis to the governments looking to avoid such disasterous happenings as the wavesso often repeats itself. To avoid political discretion, many pray that the gods reverberate the actions of disaster looking to escape the deadly sins of water and the presence of extremities.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Henri Matisse.

"An artists own face made with an artists own hand, ahhh..... total expressions." - Dan Zybala

The laidback approach to a figuritive portrait shouts out the realism of action in a crowded life of so many people. The portrait of Henri Matisse deepens the advertently precise manner to which a painter in all his bubbled personal solitude embarks on the mission to show his expression in the ways of invitation. The bright light values show the strength in composure to what looks to be an elightened gage in the realm of his living room. With the pipe becoming the main division of purpose and reason, so too does the eyes bring out the customary cultural stigma that advances into a deep thought of understanding for the potential viewer. Over the years a behaviour known to be designed as personal is the portraits main objective revealing the connection to an outside world of phasable reoccuring themes/actions. To see the modern abstract period within a past example is like seeing the birds fly south for the winter, presistent in overall ritual and reason for exploring the world within one life as a living thing in and around everything and everyone.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oil Games.

"Oil depositories need Sanctity, and the sanctions of resource needs more Oil." - Dan Zybala

In the earth the connection of life amongst all living things demands the production of Oil in all facets of energy. According to many, Oil leads the earth in forces of nature around us, operating in the system of all countries many utilities in global trade, warfare, and sustainability. Focusing in on the trades of Oil requires susbstantial determination to avoid conflict and unrestful war pertaining to the contents within. As the resources filterate the oars and pillars of necessities, combining in overall agendas to create the foundations of earth. When looking into the passing of such a needy resource, we see the strategy of what pertains to be the periodics of all elemental design forming a exception to the rule. By controlling the Oil many believe we will attain all dominance in the passion of what our energy relies on to genrate power on all levels of global trade.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


"The looks of an artist trapped in his own portraiture beauty." - Dan Zybala

Michaelangelo was not so much a future myth as a past explorer of the undivided nature of art and creation. With the look of a magistrate the true realization in his eyes always showed the outside world what he was capable of doing with over-thoughts on ideas. Beginning to escape the other poets and artists of tyranny he set off in the world of fresco to center out his differences from the other painters. In due time he became the greatest painter ever known to the world, looking into aspects of expression and life stories amongst the general people of his time. To reach a level of success in such a short period of time, announced the skill and tedious hands of such an amazing creator. Once distinguished for his Sistine Chapel masterpiece, he moved on to the concepts exploring gods and kings who needed art for their cathedrals and studios. As the future now looks back on Michaelangelo, the past reveals its true ability to forecast the present day contemporary thoughts of this artist caught in the earth with ideologies of creation for the evolution of mankind from birth to his death, and to the years of tommorow.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Figures in the Ballroom.

"Together we form connection, but apart we lose sanctity."- Dan Zybala

The existence so often divided by the faces of depth add perceptions which out weigh the presence of what each expression has to offer. In the colours of uniform bleeds a correction of what lingers in the behaviours of such figures. These figures contain elements of beauty surrounding the question? of what each face seems to be thinking or acting for that matter. The foreground figure holding the rose which almost looks dead, is diverting her emotions from the eyes of the background revealing a distinction of common sympathetic ideals around the purpose of the lost souls. The relationship seems as though things have failed and have appointed a new outlook on what the continuous points of existence have written for them. The lives of both figures seem to be developing a new design for their fate alone or together in future days. Due to the back figures eyes, we see the illumination of watching his lost partner debate the present movements in the sitaution. The advancement of this painting seems to be needing a sequel or just an afterthought from the artist and his viewer around where this story/scene is going?....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


"The works of many express the many ideas of what creation displays in the surroundings we experience." - Dan Zybala

Classical periods and religious phenomenons have always provided the higher relationship between creators and makers excelling in the historical future of combined talents. When the books began to circulate through the magistrates, poets and writers became the talk of the cities, sending followers to church, the weak to the synagogues, and the priests to the libraries. As prose took possession of all renaissance (re-birth) periods the gift of learning spread the lands of the european faculties expressing gratitude and wisdom. In the period of artistry, a painter named Caravaggio started to present the lifestyle works of symbolism in grips of educated persons providing perceptions to the upcoming young of the world. As the writer began his council with the pages and letters of former lords the symbolic ideals of skulls and feathers showed the relationship of life and death in between the hearts of many men. When the writings and paintings formed the life conception, the world became indulged by the presence of knowledge and creation reaching the evolving nature of people in cities expressing the experience of their life.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Wall Street.

"Occupy the system and change the Occupation." - Dan Zybala

Obvious indeed is capitalism. Anyway you look at the ventures you see a big red sign that says, "STOP" Stop what you ask? The opinion of markets has always lingered around gaps between social classes, to first and third world differences. When opening a chapter to a situation on economics, without a question you read the governments news header stating, "Recession Woes." Now with a capitalist approach there is no chance in the world for a recession, but in a over-spending society the presence is a debted situation. Although society screams, "Revolution of Capitalism" in fact they should re-position and remark their debt from credit and change their own individual economic action plan. When global efforts affect all worlds the solution is in your life and proceeds into the next; a capital investment for the earth as one. The reality is plain and simple but ignored by most people due to the thoughtless ideas of the present day world and consumerism beyond all grasping measures. To appeal capitalism in a positive way you must counter-attack the perceptions and dismantle the negativity in spending habits of the entire world. As if society didn't earn enough, last year Ontario workers earned close to 2 billion in the economy and spent nearly 1,200,000 on base educational causes. As we approach the future a clear understanding for self-recognition in a capitalist economy must be opposed by thinking the same way and to occupy our time with working, not occupying wall street because we don't know how to deal with our own world finances in a society of mass-consumption.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


"Structure in society is the large steps of life in our hierarchy." - Dan Zybala

Heated debate has now conformed the world populations to abide by the strict laws of democracy. Before B.C. the rules of sovereignty issued the main laws of the world devices creating democracy and the fine nature of political control. As the world expanded into elite fields of research it led to subjective attainments in the force of government on modern day society. This presented the systematic approach with proper structure and the heirarchy of monarchy, to authoritarian strength and economic confidence. When the future created politics in art, the world heaved at an open lung passage way that presented doors which established following merchants, magistrates, and makers looking to evolve the world as an entire 'commodity'. With fresh theories and ideologies, we began to see the flow of proletarians of both blue and white collar communtiies attaining the purpose of monetary recognition and spread of business connection. As the earth now revolves around commerce through anything from art to technology, a new trajectory of experience and reasons lead us to the ever attaining world of life through business production and evolving presence in the system. These ordeals stand firm and represent the precision of democracy and the world of interconnected existence.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dreams of Daniel.

"As the world shook, I leaned back and wrote my book" - Dan Zybala

This outcome boogled my mind in frustration. Waiting for the king to get my strategy had me questioning my parallel illusion. This time my dreams had become subliminal and lucid upon a sophisticated ordeal. Although still creating a solid plan I decided this time that the king interpret my dreams. At first glance on older dreams the king believed that you may have met God or in fact created a relationship with him since birth. "Your soul is open waiting for a key." said, the king. The locksmith may have been hiding his seek within the prophet. This remark had me focused on sharing God's presence within the universe, driving me to write.