Sunday, October 16, 2011


"The looks of an artist trapped in his own portraiture beauty." - Dan Zybala

Michaelangelo was not so much a future myth as a past explorer of the undivided nature of art and creation. With the look of a magistrate the true realization in his eyes always showed the outside world what he was capable of doing with over-thoughts on ideas. Beginning to escape the other poets and artists of tyranny he set off in the world of fresco to center out his differences from the other painters. In due time he became the greatest painter ever known to the world, looking into aspects of expression and life stories amongst the general people of his time. To reach a level of success in such a short period of time, announced the skill and tedious hands of such an amazing creator. Once distinguished for his Sistine Chapel masterpiece, he moved on to the concepts exploring gods and kings who needed art for their cathedrals and studios. As the future now looks back on Michaelangelo, the past reveals its true ability to forecast the present day contemporary thoughts of this artist caught in the earth with ideologies of creation for the evolution of mankind from birth to his death, and to the years of tommorow.

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